It is illegal under the Fair Housing Act to not rent to families with children. Case law has stated that a landlord cannot discourage a potential tenant or determine for them that a property is safe or unsafe for their children.

Examples of “unsafe” conditions include:

  • Steep stairways
  • The presence of a balcony
  • Busy streets
  • The presence of dangerous equipment

Case law has determined that it is up to parents to determine if a situation is appropriate for their children, not for the landlord to make that determination for them. The presence of lead-based paint is a similar situation.

Si vive en Filadelfia, el sureste de Pensilvania o Lehigh Valley y tiene preguntas sobre la discriminación por el estatus familiar en la vivienda, póngase en contacto con, 866-540-FAIR o póngase en contacto con nosotros.


Temas relacionados con la vivienda justa